General English Certificate

General English courses help students to develop speaking, listening, reading and writing skills, increase their vocabulary and improve their use of English effectively in general, everyday situations, such as shopping, using public transport, or chatting with friends.

By studying General English courses at any level you can improve your overall knowledge of the language and be more confident using it in various situations. It will help if you are looking for a job, or trying to get a better job. It will also make it easier to integrate into the community and make new friends.

  • Morning Classes: 9am-12:30pm
  • Afternoon Classes: 1.30pm–3pm
  • Evening Classes: 6pm-9pm

During your course you will have at least 2 progress tests which will check you progress in vocabulary, grammar, reading, writing, listening and speaking. As you get the results, you and your teacher will make an individual learning plan (ILP) for you with targets to work towards. Once you achieve these, you will set new targets to focus on in the future. Also, every 6 weeks you will fill out a self-assessment to see how much progress you feel you have made.

At the end of your course you will have a final test to assess how much you have learnt. After taking the test students get a certificate which states the course name and CEFR level attained. You can also ask for a report which will list your scores across all test sections and give a description of what you know and can do in English according to CEFR descriptors.

Our courses cover all aspects of the English language and work on improving your:

  • speaking and pronunciation
  • listening
  • reading
  • writing
  • vocabulary
  • grammar

Course structure

The course runs in 12-week cycles where you can complete one cycle and then decide, if you wish, to continue at the same level for several weeks more to finish the entire extended cycle until you are comfortable with your knowledge and ready to take the test. It normally takes around 150-180 classroom hours to complete a level and move on to the next one.

The course is designed to suit the students’ needs and commitments by allowing you to stay on as long as you need to before you take the end-of-course test.